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About This Aguila 12 Gauge Ammunition

Looking for 12 Gauge ammo for the pump action you keep at your bedside? Aguila’s Minishell stands to benefit its performance multiple ways. The first advantage it represents is its small stature -- you can load almost twice as many 1 3/4” shells in a magazine than you could full-length ones, which will give you a lot more shots to clear out a room if you need to. This shell’s lighter payload will also translate to lesser recoil, which you’ll appreciate if you have to rapidly acquire multiple targets.

This shotshell is loaded with seven pellets of #4 buck and four pellets of #1. They’re smaller pellets, so you’ll still have a good sized spread to work with, and you’ll also create less risk of overpenetration that could harm bystanders. Aguila’s well-made shell will also prove effective against deer and coyote and and such, making five boxes of them a versatile investment.
Quantity 100
Manufacturer Aguila
Ammo Caliber 12 Gauge
Manufacturer SKU 1CHB1288
Bullet Type #1-4 Buck Mix
Muzzle Velocity 1200
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You're reviewing: 12 GAUGE AGUILA MINISHELL 1-3/4" 5/8 OZ. #4/#1 BUCKSHOT MIX (100 ROUNDS)
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