22 LR ELEY CLUB 40 GRAIN LRN (50 Rounds)

108 in Stock

About This Eley .22 Long Rifle Ammunition


We just received a small shipment of Eley's high-end Club ammunition to our warehouse. Eley has a strong reputation for bringing home Gold Medals in Olympic level matches and Eley Club ammunition is great for competitions at the local range when accuracy counts.
Quantity 50
Manufacturer Eley
Ammo Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Manufacturer SKU A02100
Bullet Type #1 shot
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1085
Muzzle Energy 105

Customer Reviews of this 22 LR ELEY CLUB 40 GRAIN LRN (50 Rounds)

  • Working great in a Ruger 10/22 Carbine

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    Going to restock since it is still available.
    Review by Northwood. Posted on
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