119 in Stock


CCI's 22 LR Mini-Mag ammo is a perfect multi-purpose round for your gun safe. These rounds are loaded with a 36 grain copper-plated hollow point bullets. This ammo will have muzzle velocities of about 1260 feet per second, and will operate in any bolt action rifle or semi-auto rifle/pistol. This velocity, combined with a copper-plated hollow point, can easily deal with any of the following backyard pest: squirrels, rabbits, snakes, aluminum cans, ground hogs, prairie dogs, and old fruit.

Order 99 dollars or more and you will qualify for free shipping at AmmoMan.com. Don't hesitate, order your ammo today, and have fun shooting!
Quantity 100
Manufacturer CCI
Ammo Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Manufacturer SKU 31
Bullet Type copper plated hollow point
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1260
Muzzle Energy 127

Customer Reviews of this 22 LR CCI MINI-MAG 36 GRAIN CPHP (100 ROUNDS)

  • Never too many of these on hand

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    Glad to find a good round at a good price quickly shipped. I like this for keeping on hand as my "good round" and use the cheaper stuff/lead to fling downrange willy nilly. Ammoman did a nice job packing, shipping quickly
    Review by Scott. Posted on
  • 10/22 & 22/45 love this round

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    50yrd 5hot groups .66 avg rifle on rest
    Makes hedge balls explode like detonated!
    Review by .22heaven. Posted on
  • Shhots good. Great srevice

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    Ordered five. Two of the five arrived in busted cases and the rounds were laying within the packing paper. Either not packed as tightly as they could have been or FedEx played catch with the container.
    Review by Bill. Posted on
  • Great service

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    great deal on good shooting ammo. only one that works without issue in my sig mosquito.
    Review by motorradmark. Posted on
  • Just be sure to order in bulk

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    I've ordered a bunch but recommend ordering in quantities of 5 so they come in the display box. This way they are better protected. The last go around I ordered 6 boxes and the one loose one had no protection, no wrapping, nothing to protect it which damaged the case. Haven't heard back from them regarding this complaint, but will still order just in bulk quantities of 5.
    Review by MattLarry. Posted on
  • Quality ammo.

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    This ammo has always worked well. Price is up but, that's the way of the world now.
    Review by Buddy808. Posted on
  • Amazingly more powerful!

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    When I mixed these mini-mag bullets with standard LR ammo, the difference was remarkable. These are so much more powerful! I have shot about 500 rounds so far and no issues with misfires, jams, stovepiping, etc.
    Well worth the price.
    Review by Tyler. Posted on
  • Great product, great price plus free shipping over 100, no one else comes close!

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    With free shipping, the best price around
    Review by Richard. Posted on
  • Simply the best. Period.

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    Never a FTF, dud, jam - zero. Minimags, Subsonic, Quiet -- flawless. Same with Eric and Ammoman. Been doing business since mid-80s at gun shows. Shipping, selection, variety, consistency. What's higher than A+?
    Review by SML Dude. Posted on
  • Excellant Ammo

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    Great ammo it's just that EVERYTIME I have received this the plastic cases are broken and some of the shells are damaged and floating around in the packaging!
    Review by Robert. Posted on
  • Really?

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    Holy price gouging! You can find cheaper pretty much everywhere else.
    Review by Ammoguy. Posted on
  • Great ammo

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    Good ammo
    Review by Mayo. Posted on
  • Very good

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    The mini mags work flawlessly in my 1911 Kimber conversion as they recommend. I will be ordering more.
    Review by Pete. Posted on
  • Will buy more.

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    Never fired. Stocking up right now.
    Review by Cajun Prepper. Posted on
  • Great service selling quality ammo.

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    2thumbs up. Highly recommended for prices, quick shipping, and great selection. CCI minimag is unobtainium in my area. Works great in my sig semi auto.
    Review by Motorradmark. Posted on
  • Sgoots well

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    Wife has a Sig Sauer misquito and the only ammo that works really good with it is mini mags. Nice gun, nice ammo.
    Review by Aginggymrat. Posted on
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