102 in Stock

About This CCI .22 WMR Ammunition

22 WMR, 22 Magnum, 22 Win Mag – call it whatever you want, it’s still one of the best ways to play whack-a-varmint in your freetime. But if you’re going to whack at your very best, you need to get our practice in! And CCI’s Maxi-Mag ammo is one of the best ways to do so.

Are you still firing FMJ bullets? Pshaw! This 22 WMR round’s 40 grain total metal jacket projectile is much better. Unlike the FMJ, the TMJ’s jacket also encompasses the base of the bullet. Ignition won’t vaporize the core that way, which means less lead fouling in your firearm’s barrel to worsen its accuracy – as well as less toxic vapors swirling in the air around you.

The TMJ does come with a drawback. If you fire this ammo in a firearm with a ported barrel or compensator, there’s a significant chance one of those ports will shave off a piece of the TMJ’s jacket and deflect it back at you. We don’t want you getting cut up, old bean, so please plan accordingly.

CCI is pretty much the boss hog when it comes to rimfire ammo. They revolutionized the rimfire primer back in the day, and they’re still loading some of the most responsive, reliable rimfire primers to this day. This ammo’s powder charges are standardized to deliver a 1,875 fps muzzle velocity from a rifle’s barrel, which conveys a 0.127 ballistic coefficient. Flat, accurate trajectories are all yours to enjoy when you order this 22 Magnum ammo!
Quantity 50
Manufacturer CCI
Ammo Caliber .22 WMR
Manufacturer SKU 0023
Bullet Type TMJ
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1875
Muzzle Energy 312

Customer Reviews of this 22 WMR CCI MAXI-MAG 40 GRAIN TMJ (50 ROUNDS)


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    Never had a problem with CCI AMMO. Ammo Man has some of the best prices!!
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