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We want you to order this 30-30 ammo. Winchester wants you to order it as well. But do you know who doesn’t want you to order this ammo? The deer. They hate this ammo, but that’s only because you will love it!

This isn’t a very high-tech hunting round, all things considered. Its 150 grain projectile is a jacketed hollow point, which operates according to the same principle as the JHP you’d find on a pistol self-defense round. Once its nose cavity fills with highly pressurized soft tissue, the JHP’s contoured jacket assures rapid, wide and extremely effective terminal expansion.

When it achieves its advertised muzzle velocity of 2,390 fps, the JHP exhibits a G1 ballistic coefficient of 0.222. If you’re firing to 150 yards, your shot’s trajectory should only have to rise above the muzzle by about 2.2”. The bullet retains at least 1,000 ft lbs of energy until 188 yards, which basically means you’ll have full use of the 30-30’s conventional effective range.

Shiny reloadable brass cases, dependable primers, and low-fouling propellant. The only way to improve on this American-made ammo is with the addition of the Ammo Man’s free shipping!
Quantity 200
Manufacturer Winchester
Ammo Caliber 30-30 Winchester
Manufacturer SKU X30301
Bullet Type JHP
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 2390
Muzzle Energy 1902
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You're reviewing: 30-30 WINCHESTER SUPER-X 150 GRAIN JHP (200 ROUNDS)
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