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About This Ammo Incorporated .45 COLT Ammunition

Maybe you don’t have a horse, a herd of cattle, and a really cool mustache. It’s okay! You can still be a cowboy, because we’ve got Ammo Inc.’s high-quality and American-made 45 Long Colt ammo in stock.

This round’s 250 grain total metal jacket bullet makes it absolutely perfect for use at indoor ranges. The TMJ’s core is sealed away by a gilding metal jacket. Even its base is covered, which is why the TMJ will not deposit lead residue on a revolver or rifle barrel’s rifling. The TMJ also won’t emit lead gas as a result of ignition, so you can breathe easier wherever ventilation is subpar.

This ammo’s smooth-feeding bullets are tidily seated in fresh and reloadable brass cases. Ammo Inc.’s Hyperclean Technology propellant, which ignites completely to minimize carbon fouling, contributes even more to this Wisconsin-made ammo’s clean-firing performance. Order a box for your SAA, Judge or Governor today, hombre!
Quantity 50
Manufacturer Ammo Incorporated
Ammo Caliber .45 COLT
Manufacturer SKU 45C250TMC-A50
Bullet Type #1 Shot
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 842
Muzzle Energy 394

Customer Reviews of this 45 LONG COLT AMMO INC. 250 GRAIN TMJ (50 ROUNDS)

  • Great product

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    Honestly this was the first time using this brand. No surprises, worked as they should. Will order more for sure.
    Review by Taxpayer13. Posted on
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