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About This Hornady 12 Gauge Ammunition

This buckshot ammunition from Hornady excels at quickly bringing down midsized varmints such as coyotes. Each shell in this box of 10 fires 24 pellets of #4 buckshot at 1,350 feet per second. This setup combined with Hornady's VersaTite wad produces tight patterns even out to medium range and a very high hit probability.

#4 buckshot is also a useful self-defense load in an indoor setting, as it exhibits much less penetration than 00 buck while still being powerful enough to take down a human attacker at close range.

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Quantity 10
Manufacturer Hornady
Ammo Caliber 12 Gauge
Manufacturer SKU 86243
Bullet Type #4 BUCK
Muzzle Velocity 1350
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You're reviewing: 12 GAUGE HORNADY VARMINT EXPRESS 2-3/4" #4 BUCK (10 SHELLS)
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