Regular Price: $215.00

Special Price: $200.00

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Scientists estimate there are two billion eastern gray squirrels in the United States. We’re amazed the squirrels stayed still long enough to be counted. But if you’d like to ruin all the scientists’ hard work by subtracting from the head count, then we’ve got just the 22 LR for the job.

Federal Champion 22 LR ammo suits plinkers and small game hunters alike. This round’s 36 grade projectile is a normal factory lead hollow point, cast to standard dimensions and light enough to clear a rifle muzzle at a velocity of 1,260 fps. We’d prefer a subsonic muzzle velocity for match shooting, but when you’re just casually taking aim at bottles, cans, silhouettes, steel targets, bullseyes, or chittering tree rats, the supersonic expanding LHP does just fine!

This ammo is packaged 325 loose rounds per box, 10 boxes per case: 24 pounds of plinking pleasure. And the shipping’s free when you order it from your homie the Ammo Man!
Quantity 3250
Manufacturer Federal
Ammo Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Manufacturer SKU 749
Bullet Type Lead Hollow Point (LHP)
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1260
Muzzle Energy 127

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