Only 1 Left in Stock


Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by only ordering 50 rounds of 22 LR at a time. Order yourself a beefy 800-round range pack, secure your future shooting pleasure, and laugh at people who have to leave the range early because they committed the cardinal sin of not buying enough ammo.

This round is loaded with the 22 LR’s classic weight 40 grain bullet. At that weight you can expect your rifle to deliver a 1,200 fps muzzle velocity (or slower, out of a handgun’s shorter barrel). This keeps the bullet supersonic until about 27 yards, and also ensures it won’t drop by more than 6” until it has crossed 100 yards. It’s accurate enough to live up to your long-distance expectations.

The lead round nose is as basic as a 22 LR projectile gets. It’s affordable thanks to its lack of copper plating or a hollow point nose cavity, so while the LRN fires a little “dirtier” and isn’t going to expand inside soft tissue, you’ll certainly enjoy firing it for target practice.

Federal makes their Champion ammo’s brass cases, primers and bullets in-house. It’s designed to promote optimal functionality in every make and model firearm, as well as deliver steady recoil and reliable in-flight ballistics.
Quantity 800
Manufacturer Federal
Ammo Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Manufacturer SKU 729B800
Bullet Type Lead Round Nose (LRN)
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1200
Muzzle Energy 128

Customer Reviews of this 22 LR FEDERAL CHAMPION 40 GRAIN LRN (800 ROUNDS)

  • Lots of rounds did not fire

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    I fired this ammo out of my Ruger 10/22 and a pistol SR22 and had several rounds not go off. Used a CCI and never a problem.
    Review by Daylon. Posted on
  • The ammo is reliable and cycles the bolt on my pistol excellently. No stove pipes, no misfires, no light rounds.

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    I have shot several bricks of Federal Champion in the past and have always had good results. It is a little hotter than what I had been shooting, but not enough to effect recoil. I am very pleased with the performance. The last match I shot my score came quit a bit. Not sure, it just could be a coincidence.
    Review by Galen. Posted on
  • Excellent

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    Fast Shipping.
    Thank You
    Review by Mohawk. Posted on
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