110 in Stock


PMC offers great ammunition at a great price with this 165 grain 40 Smith & Wesson Jacketed Hollow Point. This is a perfect range round for those who want an economical JHP option to practiced with.

From their factory in South Korea, PMC produces ammunition ranging from small caliber handguns to large military tank rounds. Since 1968 PMC has grown to be one of the world's largest manufacturers and suppliers of ammunition, producing not only for the sportsman but law enforcement agencies and military agencies across the world. Striving to be the best in munitions production, they manufacture every component from casings to powder, giving PMC the increased measure of quality assurance demanded by modern military buyers.

This ammunition is brass cased, boxer-primed, non-corrosive, and reloadable.

Quantity 50
Manufacturer PMC
Ammo Caliber .40 Smith & Wesson
Manufacturer SKU 40B
Bullet Type #1 shot
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 1040
Muzzle Energy 396

Customer Reviews of this 40 S&W PMC 165 GRAIN JHP (50 ROUNDS)

  • Great Looking Ammo. Very Fast Shipment. Thanks Ammo*man!

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    Received my order today. Very fast shipment. PMC makes very good ammo and this 40 S&W is no exception. I have used their 556/223 in both my S&W AR and Ruger Carbine w/o any issues. Look forward to firing a couple of rounds.
    Review by Mack. Posted on
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