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About This Fiocchi 9mm Luger Ammunition

You don’t carry a 9mm pistol because you enjoy hauling around extra weight. You do it because you want to be able to defend yourself at a moment’s notice. That’s why you should make sure your EDC’s magazine is filled with high-quality stuff – which is precisely what Fiocchi manufactures in the great state of Missouri.

This round’s 147 grain jacketed hollow point isn’t Fiocchi’s doing. It is the eXtreme Terminal Performance (XTP) by Hornady – a JHP with a drawn gilding metal jacket instead of a conventional plated one. It is concentric, which promotes superior gyroscopic stability alongside its swaged lead core. It is tapered, which promotes reliable terminal expansion alongside its strategically serrated rim. It also extends to cover the rim of the nose cavity, which prevents damage that could impair feeding or terminal expansion.

This ammo’s nickel-plated brass cases are Fiocchi’s doing. In addition to protecting the ammo against corrosion, nickel reduces friction that could cause an FTF or FTE in a semi-automatic handgun or carbine. This ammo is subsonic, and accordingly will not produce a sharp, cracking report on ignition.
Quantity 500
Manufacturer Fiocchi
Ammo Caliber 9mm Luger
Manufacturer SKU 9XTPB25
Bullet Type #1 shot
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 950
Muzzle Energy 295
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