30-06 SELLIER & BELLOT 150 GRAIN M2 BALL FMJ (400 Rounds)

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30-06 SELLIER & BELLOT 150 GRAIN M2 BALL FMJ (400 Rounds)

M1 Gerand rifle owners can finally give their antique rifles the exercise they deserve with 400 rounds of this 30-06 Springfield ammo from Sellier & Bellot. Outfitted with new production brass casings, each 30-06 Sprg cartridge is assembled with an 150 grain M2 ball full metal jacket (FMJ) projectile specially designed for the M1 Gerand. The M2 Ball projectile has a high muzzle velocity of 2887 fps, and will bring the heat on the range. The FMJ design will help protect your cherished rifle from nasty lead fouling in the barrel. These cartridges are Boxer-primed and the casings are reloadable.

Backed by 190+ years of experience, Sellier & Bellot is the go to ammo company for many international shooters. Not only do they craft premium ammunition for hunting and competition, they also supply ammo to many law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Treat yourself and your antique rife to some much needed range time, and order 400 round bulk case of this 30-06 Sprg ammo today! As always, we offer free shipping on orders over $99.
Quantity 400
Manufacturer Sellier & Bellot
Ammo Caliber 30.06 Springfield
Manufacturer SKU SB3006M2
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 2700
Muzzle Energy 2428

Customer Reviews of this 30-06 SELLIER & BELLOT 150 GRAIN M2 BALL FMJ (400 Rounds)

  • Inaccurate

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    16 rds fired to test function and accuracy. Used a white paper plate 10" dia. at 100 yds. Used a bench, rifle rest, and rear support. those 16 rds all hit the plate. But the group, was more of a shotgun pattern. Literally all over the plate in no group what so ever. My M1 was clean when I started. The Garand was a CMP "Select grade" that gauges "new". And I qualified Expert on the range in the military. So I'm a half decent shot. I am disappointed with the accuracy at this point. I will update after I fire more of it.
    Review by Daves762. Posted on
  • Great deal, cycled well in my M1.

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    My order arrived in a timely manner and the ammo was in great condition. My M1 loved these.
    Review by LMS81TE. Posted on
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