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About This Wolf 300 AAC Blackout Ammunition

Thrifty shooters know that what really jacks up the price of a rifle cartridge is all the copper inside of it. Thrifty shooters also know that they can turn to Wolf for all their cost conscious, high volume shooting needs. This 300 AAC Blackout round really cuts down on copper!

This round’s case is steel instead of brass (an alloy that made mostly out of copper). Wolf’s economical steel case still feeds and extracts freely in a semi-auto thanks to their friction reducing polymer coating, which doesn’t melt off inside of a rifle’s action to quickly foul it. You can’t reload steel, but you can pick it up with a magnet – mighty convenient, if you ask us.

This round’s 145 grain FMJ still contains some copper, but only on its outermost layer to reduce barrel fouling. The interior of the bimetal jacket is made of steel as well, reducing its price tag even further. Do note that several indoor ranges ban magnetic bullets like this round’s.

This round is finished off with a non-corrosive primer and charge clean burning of propellant. A Berdan primer is slightly more economical, although it essentially makes a round non-reloadable – which isn’t a huge issue then the round’s case made it non-reloadable to begin with!
Quantity 20
Manufacturer Wolf
Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type berdan
Muzzle Velocity 1985
Muzzle Energy 1269
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